Saturday, 27 April 2013

Day 117 : the goose and the pussycat

I was looking at a pile of pistachio nut shells and thought they'd make a perfect little boat if two teeny, tiny animals went to sea. It made me think if the owl and the pussycat in their pea-green boat but I seem to be devoid of owls in my miniature mainly 1:87 ratio figures. I have several cats, larger birds, chickens, penguins and plenty of other animals but definitely not owls.

I opted for a goose, I think a goose might like to take to the high sea with a rather inquisitive looking cat. I’m not sure if they dined on mince, and slices of quince,Which they ate with a runcible spoon, but I hope they found land, Bong-tree or not.


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