Back in the day, this Saturday would be the last Saturday before going back to school so any final purchases would have to be secured. The tedious business of new school shoes, any necessary new uniform items etc I wouldn't get involved with but stationery, that was all me. The critical decision each year would be the new pencil case. I didn't normally leave it until the last opportunity to buy, but there may have been some serious pondering to reach the final verdict and making it mine. There may also have been other essentials needed, a ruler, fine nibbed pens, pencils and rubbers. Apart form the pencil case itself, one year a magnetic closure vinyl Snoopy one and another year a fluffy orange one with eyes, the closing of the rubbers was crucial. The problem was that I loved some of these little rubbers so much I couldn't bear to rub anything out with them so invariably, if I had a crop of extra special ones, I would get a utilitarian backup to actually do the job of erasing. I remember some favourite, tiny discs, cubes and stars in black, white and pink stripes - like exotic liquorice allsorts!
It’s been very many years since I've selected the annual pencil case or carefully considered rubbers but on a visit to Paperchase to buy a few cards for upcoming birthdays, I spotted a jar of animal rubbers by the till. They looked rather fun and turned out to be a Japanese range called Iwako. Knowing someone who probably is choosing their pencil case and would probably adore these, I bought this collection. If she is like me, and there are some tendencies I've spotted, none of this little menagerie will ever be used for rubbing any wayward pencil lines out but I would just keep them safe.
They are all rather cute but I may have purchased two of one of them so I can keep it for myself, hmmm I wonder which one would I have fallen for! I suspect it will appear in a daily picture soon, with some of its friends!