Saturday 9 May 2015

Day 129: a retro stroll

St. James is awash with 70th anniversary of the VE celebrations tonight, there’s an open air concert in Horseguard’s Parade and as I waited for the traffic lights to change close to our evening’s restaurant, I glanced over my shoulder and was briefly viewing a scene from the past. I suspect that this bunch of guys enjoying the late afternoon light were heading towards the celebrations later.

It was one of those split second things. I had my camera slung over my shoulder from macro flower photography earlier. I quickly removed the close-up filters, reduced the aperture and changed the settings to Dynamic Monochrome, as somehow I thought it would set the scene. There wasn’t time to compose, ask for a photo or even slow down so I fired my first shot. My second photograph had just had the back of them crossing the road and retreating into the distance.

I rather wish the bus in the background was an older one to continue the retro feel of the shot, but instead I chanced upon of the new curvy ones. I suspect Cartier-Bresson on Erwitt would have been better prepared, but not too bad for a single shot.

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