Saturday 25 February 2012

A Not So "Sad" Day

So day one of dicing with the photo mojo motivator, there are some topics which would really lend themselves to this balmy surprisingly spring-like day at a busy, buzzing food market and some not so. I think “sad” rather unfortunately belongs to the latter category.

The sun coupled with the delicious food seemed to weave its magic on the crowds, even the long queues did nothing to dampen the general mood. I peered into a few push chairs wondering whether I could grab a candid shot of a howling baby, but they all seemed either blissfully content and many intent on devouring some sticky morsel. Also I feared the reaction of over-protective parents and instead settled for the fishmongers’ stall.

There are several fish shots I prefer but frankly the fish just didn't look sad enough. This one looked the most woebegone.


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