Sunday, 21 July 2013

Day 202 : the sky is alive...

Passing through the centre of Richmond heading for the station later than I'd intended, possibly the story of my life, the sky above me is full of birds. I turn into the cobbled road after the Richmond Riverside development to see if I can get a good angle. On the left is red-brick Richmond Museum, on the right is the lemon coloured Whittaker House, which used to the head office of UPS, when I worked for them so long ago) and also has the dubious pleasure of being the building that Mr. Bean drops from the sky in front of in the opening credits of his TV show.

I rather like the silhouettes of the flying birds against the pastel-y sky. Time to go on with my epic journey, I'm heading for Upminister, the entire length of the District Line, or would be if the obligatory weekend engineering works hadn't taken chunks of the District Line out of action.


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